April 30, 2021 |

April 2021 Round-Up: Spring has sprung with 4 - 6 inches of snow!

Spring has sprung with 4 - 6 inches of snow!

Hi there,

Wild weather whipped across the prairies throughout the month but at the end of the day, despite ups and downs in temperature, spring is here! With the arrival of spring, we have seen an increase in activity with our clients, many are entering a traditionally busy time, as well in general consumer hesitancy and waiting during the long winter has begun to lift.  

Layer in additional complexities with the vaccine versus variant race and federal budget and stimulus programs announced or extended there is a lot to take in, and always lots to do.

This months roundup is a reflection of ongoing change we all continue to face and the tenacity of our clients rising to meet the challenge:

  • Client Feature: CLS Landscape - continuous improvement
  • Technology Tips: Google mobile updates and call tracking
  • Team Updates: Tori's Uppercase feature

As always, we are here to help! Reach out any time. We love to chat about strategies to drive the growth of your business.

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CLS Landscape - First Quarter RoundUp

This first quarter was jam-packed with projects for CLS Landscape. From a new website launch to projects that improved the customer experience and ones that unified their internal teams, we were able to be their guide through each one.

CLS Landscape Supply Website

This project was originally scheduled for the latter part of last year, but as we researched the software to create the website and the various software we would need to integrate, we realized there was more to the project than initially scoped. So we backed things up and started with a technology audit and system design. 

The Problem
CLS had a disjointed website experience with the marketing portion of the website being hosted through WordPress and the shop portion on Lightspeed, there was clearly a visual difference between moving from one site to another and the e-commerce system was not sending information to the finance system.

The Need
To help choose a platform that ensured the point of sale system and online inventory were connected. We also needed to ensure that the platform worked with HubSpot as we were committed to using this system to improve the customer experience in 2021.

The Project

  • Technology Audit and System Design
  • API Set Up
  • Content Creation
  • HubSpot Support
  • Website Design and Project Management with a 3rd Party Developer for Lightspeed for customized checkout options

The Challenge
To ensure the project would be successful we first needed to set up an API between Quickbooks and Lightspeed and although the API existed it didn’t work as promised. The next challenge was our lack of experience in Lightspeed as our preferred software is Shopify.

The Solution
We stayed persistent and held Quickbooks and Lightspeed accountable to do what they promised and with proper testing we implemented an API that worked. We sourced an external developer for Lightspeed to help with the customizations we required and committed ourselves to learning a new software with the Lightspeed design template.

The Results

  • One united marketing and sales website that improves the customer experience.
  • An integrated POS, online sales and Quickbook solution that improves CLS’s ability to automate financial and inventory records updates.
  • A website that integrates with HubSpot to improve customer experience and be the central source of truth for sales, marketing and service.

Check out the full website here.

Stay tuned next month for another website we’ve launched for CLS Landscape's construction business.

Proposal Document

CLS Landscape has never truly marketed the construction side of their business until last year. So this year we wanted to set them up for success with a proposal document that outlines the benefits, team, case studies, and process with sample pricing to excite customers about the potential of getting their own dream yard. It is something that is sent through to customers after the initial connection and is also downloadable from their new construction website - more on that project coming next month!

Onboarding Document and Uniform Update

Back in 2020 when we completed the strategy for CLS Landscape one of our goals was to enhance the internal team's experience. CLS Landscape had a number of onboarding documents that we united into one cohesive document. The purpose was to provide each team member with the information they would need to be successful in a friendly and welcoming tone. We also designed a set of uniforms for the supply and construction line of business to get teams excited about the season ahead.

This onboarding document included:

  • Welcome information, that included information about the company, services and provided key message examples for how CLS approaches customer experience. 
  • First days can be overwhelming, so we clearly outlined the expectations so that it was easy to digest and quick to reference.
  • Training documents, these were a set of quick links to more comprehensive training documents related to specific roles.
  • We also covered topics like compensation, reviews, rewards and what happens at the end of employment, this can help manage expectations and provide a comfortable and fun environment throughout employment.

Uppercase Magazine Feature

Our graphic designer, Tori, was recently in Uppercase Magazine Issue #49 as a featured surface pattern designer. There were 850 entrants, narrowed down to 100! See the magazine here!

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