April 30, 2022 |

April 2022 Round-Up: Tips for Recruiting

Ways you can attract and hire the top talent for your business. Plus: sign up for our June webinar, see our latest website for a client and check out our new video.

Hi there,

Canada's unemployment rate is at near record lows - and while that's great for the economy, it can create challenges for small and medium businesses as they struggle to find new employees in a competitive market. Are you trying to recruit for new positions right now? Are you seeing an abundance or an absence of quality candidates?

There are different strategies you can employ to help attract the right kind of job applicants. 

  • Defining and communicating your company culture to potential employees.
  • Setting up your brand for recruitment, such as creating a company video or updates to your website.
  • Updating your social media profiles, especially LinkedIn, to support recruitment.
  • Getting your job posting everywhere that's relevant, and utilizing digital media to extend its reach to candidates.
  • Knowing what candidates want, such as flexibility for schedules and work spaces.

For more on how you can attract and hire top talent for your business, check out our latest blog post here or below.

How can we help?
At Roadmap, we support businesses through the recruitment process in a variety of ways.

  1. Creation of a Career page on your website with company info, current job postings and a form to submit resumes. 
  2. Branding Packages to support recruitment, which could include corporate videos, website or social media updates. 
  3. Social Media Management: LinkedIn is often the most utilized channel for this, and we can help create or update profiles, create and post content and help manage inquiries or online applications. 

For sales and marketing positions we offer a full package including the above plus:

  1. Job File Creation: we can help you craft a well-worded job description, create a compensation package, develop key team profiles and write a new company overview. 
  2. Recruitment tactics such as posting the job description online on various websites and social channels, supported by paid advertising. 
  3. Hiring Support: screen candidates for fit, design job scorecard, conduct interviews, and create a shortlist of candidates.

Whether you have a human resources department or you wear an HR hat with your many others, finding and attracting the right people for your business can be a challenge and we're happy to offer support through this process. Give us a call today!

New Website for Snowmobilers of Manitoba

Snowmobilers of Manitoba (or Snoman) is a non-profit organization representing 53 snowmobiling clubs in Manitoba, and the member clubs maintain and groom over 13,000 km of trails. We were happy to help them update their website.

The Challenge
Snoman discovered that 60-80% of all the web traffic on their website was on mobile devices, yet their website was not mobile responsive. They also wanted help digitizing some forms and processes to cut down on administrative work and make things easier for their members.  

 The Solution
We designed and created a new responsive website for Snoman, allowing users to easily access information on mobile devices. We also designed the website to help Snoman build a community amongst snowmobilers, communicate to its clubs and members, and support economic growth for businesses affiliated with the snowmobiling lifestyle.  This was achieved through:

  • Improved content management for their internal team.
  • Streamlining information on their website and making it easier for website visitors to find. 
  • Reorganizing and presenting website content that showcases tourism opportunities and builds the snowmobile community in Manitoba.

We also helped them digitize some forms to make things more convenient for members. Many of these forms were handwritten previously, meaning someone had to input all the information into a digital format. These new forms will save their team hours of work. These changes also resulted in digitization of membership cards that now get sent automatically via email on a yearly basis,  the ability for clubs to update their information online with a better editing experience and more.

You can visit their new website here: https://snoman.mb.ca/

Celebrating New Clients

We want to give a warm welcome to new clients that have signed on with us recently. 

Suntech Coating Ltd.

Suntech Coating Ltd. is one of our newest clients. They are a locally owned and operated company in Manitoba dedicated to providing top quality sandblasting and powder coating. We're excited to get to work with them on refreshing their logo and brand assets, and redesigning their website! Stay tuned for sneak peeks of the refresh coming soon.

Jablonski Electric, Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

We're excited to welcome Jablonski Electric, Plumbing and Heating Ltd. as a new client! They offer a wide variety of electric, plumbing and heating services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. We look forward to creating a digital demand generation campaign for them including Google advertising, Facebook advertising and landing page creation.

How To Attract Employees In A Competitive Job Market

As the job market is getting tighter, many organizations are making recruitment a top priority. As Canada experiences low unemployment rates, it’s becoming more difficult to find the right employees for your business.  

And with new ways of working becoming the norm, employees are not prepared to go back to the way things were before. In today’s market, you need to put in the effort to recruit to your company. In our latest blog, we discuss what you need to do to make your business stand out in the competitive job market, and how you can attract and hire the best people.

How to Use Instagram Insights to Gain Leads

Have you wondered if your efforts on Instagram are gaining traction? Instagram Insights is a free native tool that proves your efforts are creating an impact with your audience.  

Instagram Insights shows data about your followers, and managing these insights helps you improve your content and optimize future posts to drive leads. To fully access Insights, users need a business account. If you are using Instagram to draw attention to an offer, we recommend using a business account. This blog post will look at our recommended top four insights to manage for gaining traction and ultimately leads from Instagram. 

New Webinar: Why Your Need a CRM

We're hosting a free webinar on June 15 at 11 am MT all about CRMs. Customer relationship management (CRM) is technology that allows your business to manage all of your company's interactions and communication with customers. A CRM helps businesses better organize and access their customer data, which in turn leads to better customer relationships, loyalty and retention.

Shockingly, CRM technology still doesn't have the impact on the industry that it deserves. Around 22% of salespeople say they don't know what a CRM is, and 40% of companies don't use a CRM at all. These companies often rely on spreadsheets and email for storing customer data.

Tune into our webinar to learn why your business needs a CRM, reasons why your CRM isn't working, and tactics to get the most out of a CRM and customer data. Click here to sign up!


Check Out Our New Video

At Roadmap, we are for the builders, dreamers, full-time entrepreneurs, marketers, multi-company founders, and off the side of your desk CEOs of the world. We are your Roadmap for driving meaningful change.

We hope you enjoy this new video and thanks for being with us on this journey!

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