August 17, 2023 | Written by Shannon Hewlko

CDAP - Building The Best Digital Adoption Plan

The Government of Canada's Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in embracing digital tools to boost their market edge. Businesses that meet the criteria can secure a grant for their digital adoption plan and a no-interest loan up to $100,000 for its execution.

As we approach our one-year mark as a CDAP Advisor, we reflect on the 30+ plans we've executed and the lessons we’ve learned. A standout realization is that a subpar plan, even if free, can be more detrimental than no plan at all. Imagine dedicating 2-4 months with an advisor, time that might be better spent on activities directly growing your business. 

The second insight we’ve found is the lack of overall clarity on the process, so we wanted to share the framework we use to build a great Digital Adoption Plan to help shed some light on what creating one looks like and what it can do to help grow your business.

Building The Best Digital Adoption Plan

To build the Digital Adoption Plan we need to conduct a current state analysis, a digital adaptation analysis, document future state requirements, and provide recommendations and a roadmap with a budget. To do this we include the following key modules.

  • Strategic Foundations: We run a workshop to gather information about your company background, goals, conduct a SWOT and use the “playing-to-win” format - a strategic set of choices that help you decide what markets you will participate in and determine the winning formula that will give your business the competitive advantage.
  • Technology Audit: This project uncovers current technology, base functionalities and desired future functionalities. We then map the technology stack and investigate vendors and capabilities. 
  • Strategic Brief: A document that combines all workshops and audits to produce requirements for CDAP submission.

Optional Modules

  • Persona Development
  • Competitive Analysis Research
  • Marketing Audit
  • Marketing Plan
  • Website Workshop
  • SEO Game Plan
  • Paid Ads Strategy
  • Content Strategy + AI Workflow
  • Social Media + Email Strategy
  • Sales Process Review/Planning
  • CRM Functional Requirements 
  • CRM Audit
  • Comprehensive Cyber Risk Assessment

For detailed information on the above modules, pricing and insider tips on everything CDAP, download our CDAP - Everything you need to know guide.

CDAP - Everything you need to know

Why Choose Roadmap As Your Advisor 

  • We think strategically: We have executed over 30+ plans and think strategically about the priority of projects, their alignment with your business goals and the competitive landscape. 
  • A well-rounded team: Our team has the business acumen to create the plan, implement the plan or make recommendations for technology adaptations that are not in our wheelhouse.
  • Clear and concise details: Our plans are detailed, so you can start the implementation of the plan immediately and have a long-term plan for future digital improvements.
  • Our plans get approved: Our plans get approved by The Canadian Government: meaning you get the money you were counting on to create the plan to help you grow.
  • Fast or slow delivery: Creating a plan can be done in as little as 2 months or up to 4 months. How fast or slow we move depends on your time commitment to the project.
  • Prioritize driving sales: We focus on how to create profitable revenue for your business.

Additional Resources
The Government of Canada:

We’ve compiled all the information you need to know about CDAP into one convenient download. Get the details on how to build the plan, pricing and information on how to apply.

CDAP - Everything you need to know

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