January 9, 2023 |

December Round-Up 2022: Setting your Strategic Foundations

Learn how to apply for funding from the Canada Digital Adoption Program. Plus: how to align your initiatives with your go-to-market motions.

Insights and Updates - Setting your Strategic Foundations

A new year is a great time to reflect on the past year's performance, what worked well, what was middling and what just missed the mark. A great way to do this is to use a framework from the book, Playing to Win.


What is a Playing to Win Framework?

 It is a five-step process to make choices for your business that will create clarity for your team on where you are going, how you will achieve the desired results and what you need in place to make it happen.


Strategy doesn't just happen; it is a series of choices executed.
Here are the five steps that require choices:

What is your winning aspiration?

  • Who are you
  • What is the job you do for your customers
  • Who will you become
  • What is your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

Where will you play?

  • Current markets
  • Current ideal customers
  • Future markets
  • Future ideal customers

How will you win in your chosen markets?

  • What is your unique value proposition
  • What is your strategic point of view
  • What are your three unique competitive advantages
  • What are you best at or can be best at?

What capabilities must be in place to win?

  • Brand
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Product
  • Facilities
  • Process
  • People
  • Systems

What management systems are required?

  • Planning processes
  • Key performance indicators
  • Systems to support your go-to-market

With these questions answered, you will have clarity on the strategic foundations needed to win and all the inputs for a one-page strategic plan that will guide the execution of your vision for the next 3 -5 years.

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with Roadmap President, Steve Whittington, to discuss how your branding could be creating more value. 

Book a Discovery Call.

Salem Home | New Responsive Website

We enjoy helping clients with all kinds of communications projects, such as annual reports. This is the 4th year we've had the privilege to work with the team at Laurel Hill Advisory Group, Canada's leading shareholder communications and advisory firm, to create their Trends in Corporate Governance Report. This report is Canada’s most comprehensive and longest-running annual guide to the trends, risks and challenges affecting the Canadian corporate governance landscape.

Our role in this project was to develop and complete an overarching design concept to support and communicate their findings. In addition to the concept and full layout design we provided copywriting and editing, custom charts and infographics, and curated relevant and poignant photography.

Read the report.

Access up to $15,000 in grants for digital transformations

We’re happy to announce that we are now Digital Advisors under the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). This program offers small and medium businesses a grant of up to $15,000 towards building a digital adoption plan through a qualified Digital Advisor, such as Roadmap. Once the plan is complete, companies can then receive up to $100,000 in interest-free loans from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to implement the technologies that can propel their business forward.

 What could you receive through CDAP funding?  Eligible businesses receive funding for the consultation of a Digital Advisor and the creation of a digital plan. The digital plan is tailored to your business needs and can include:

  • Strategic Foundation
  • Persona Development
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Marketing Audit
  • Tech Stack Audit
  • CRM Discovery Workshop
  • Training Staff on Technologies
  • Digitizing Your Operations

The pandemic has changed the way Canadians do business, and customers are doing more and more business online. Organizations need to adopt new digital technologies to meet their customers' needs and stay competitive. That’s where the grant comes in - organizations need an effective digital adoption plan before meaningful digital transformation can happen. And an advisor can create that plan for you.

Check out this Assessment Tool to see which grant might be right for your business, or contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization as a digital advisor.

Contact u about Digital plans

Would you like us to implement a similar strategy for you?

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How to Narrow Down Your Target Market
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November Round-Up 2022: Creating  value for your customers
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