December 31, 2021 |

December 2021 Round-Up and Happy New Year!

Annual reflections, why you need an annual operating plan, news from the blog, plus new client profiles.

Hi there,

As this year draws to a close, we're looking back and reflecting on this time of change. The biggest change for us this year was our rebrand to Roadmap, and the merging of Graphic Intuitions, Hewlko Creative Direction + Design and Steve Whittington Consulting. We've been so fortunate to work with both new and existing clients, and to offer them new services to help them grow their business. 

The end of the year is also the best time to start your annual planning process for the year to come. An annual operating plan provides important direction for a company and its employees by setting milestones and goals that support the vision of where the organization wants to be at the end of the year. As such, it should be directly connected to your strategic plan.

Your strategic plan provides a vision of what the company wants to achieve and documents the choices you have made about where you want to go, with priorities. The annual operating plan provides the roadmap and directs the work that needs to be done over the coming year to get there.

An annual operating plan is not just for documenting initiatives by who and by when, but also includes how to execute initiatives and improve the performance of all team members and departments. In short, it describes with clarity "what done looks like" to equal success. By this plan for the year, it holds your teams accountable for achieving those goals. An annual operating plan also unites your team toward common outcomes, gives them direction and empowers them in their work. It creates efficiencies for team members, by outlining where to focus their efforts.

After you've created your operations plan, often the next step is creating an annual marketing and sales plan to support those goals. You can read our latest blog about marketing plans below.

We're pleased to offer support for all aspects of your business: strategic planning sessions, annual operating plans, and marketing and sales plans. Now is the time to start creating your comprehensive roadmap for the coming year and how you'll reach success, and we want to be partners on your journey. 

Thank you all for a great year, and here's to 2022!

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Driver Capital Website Launch

We were pleased to launch Driver Capital's new website and rebrand this month. Driver Capital operates a digital lending platform that helps Canadians get the financing they need for automotive repair and improvements. Our goal was to help make Driver Capital's branding more approachable and friendly. As part of their rebrand, we updated their old logo with a modern twist and inviting colours. We also created custom illustrations for their website, emails, and various marketing materials. We wanted them to bring an element of accessibility and fun to the otherwise serious topic of loans and financing.

Their custom-built website also incorporated new web tools as well. The first tool is a Max Loan Calculator built to allow customers to determine their maximum loan amount in literally seconds. This tool provides a significant enhancement to Driver Capital's customer experience. The second is an ROI Calculator for Service Centres that shows them the additional revenue they could make by offering Driver Capital to their customers.

We also made some fun 'How It Works' animations - check out all this and more on the Driver Capital website at

Celebrating New Clients 

We want to give a warm welcome to a few new clients that have signed on with us recently. 

s01ve Cybersolutions  

s01ve Cyber Solutions offers a full array of front-line cybersecurity services and supports its communities against a rising tide of cybersecurity threats. They employ the same techniques and processes as real hackers to test organizations for vulnerabilities, and to provide real-world information on the state of an organization's cybersecurity. Learn more at

 We worked with s01ve on a new logo and will now be supporting their overall marketing and revenue operations planning. The first initiative we are supporting is hkrden ( The first of its kind in Western Canada, this is a year-round initiative designed for youth to safely explore topics such as ethical hacking, cybersecurity, 3D printing, coding, augmented reality and virtual reality in a fun, supportive and engaging environment. This will provide a space and build a community for youth with interests in emerging technologies that allows them to discover, interact, collaborate and share ideas

LA Chefs Catering and Events 

LA Chefs Catering & Events Ltd. is a full service catering company located in the Coast Lethbridge Hotel & Conference Centre. They cater to all events held at the Hotel and  off-site catering to many local venues, businesses, and homes in Southern Alberta.

They have engaged us to work with on a strategic planning retreat that will result in a an annual operating plan, from which priorities and initiatives will be drawn. Stay tuned - we know they have a lot of exciting ideas and we hope to help them make it happen! Check them out at

Change Champions Consulting

Change Champions is an organizational change management and transformation consultancy. As organizations adapt to change due to new technologies, processes or acquisitions, Change Champions helps them by putting together the right team of consultants to meet their needs and get onboard with the value of a change.

 While Change Champions focuses on change management as a professional service, Roadmap focuses on driving revenue results.  We have been engaged to support them with the development of sales processes and a revenue plan. Learn more at

Roadmap Team Retreat 

Our team met together in person this month, the first time that has happened in a long time. We were happy to get together to build some comradery, but we also took time to reflect on lessons learned this past year. As a company, we also started our annual planning for next year, including:

  • Reviewing our Ideal Client Profile and Personas,
  • Doing a deep dive into critical processes,
  • And co-creating goals together for marketing, sales and operations, which are feeding directly into our Annual Operating Plan.

These are all important exercises we recommend our clients do, so we don't just make the Kool-Aid, we drink it too! 

Book a consultation call.

Staff Project Highlight: Tori's Letterpress Calendars 

Our graphic designer & illustrator Tori created these one-of-a-kind letterpress calendars for Christmas this year. Each calendar features an abstract painting using inks she created herself with foraged material (things like copper scraps, rusty iron bolts, and avocado pits). 

 They are all sold out but you can browse the photos on her site and her Instagram!

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