February 28, 2022 |

February 2022 Round-Up: How customer feedback can help your business grow

How customer surveys can help improve your business. Plus: see new website launches and meet our newest team member.


Hi there,

Have you ever bought something online and then received an email a short time later asking for your opinion about your shopping experience, or the product itself? That's an example of a company conducting customer satisfaction research. In fact, 80% of organizations collect some form of customer satisfaction data (Harvard Business Review) or solicit customer feedback. And it's time you considered it too.

Why? There are many reasons: asking for feedback from your customer shows that you value their opinions, and often it can help you improve or fix a customer experience before it starts to drive customers away. It's also a great way to get ideas for new products or services. 

One of the main ways of collecting real feedback from your customers or clients is by using a customer survey - sending them a series of question about their experience with your business, their purchase experience and sometimes questions about themselves. This can help an organization get a accurate picture of how happy or satisfied their customers are and can also:

  • Assess your customers' likelihood to buy again or renew a subscription, or their potential for leaving your business,
  • Find out why they bought (or didn't buy) from you,
  • Perform market research, such as collecting customer demographics.

For more about why you should conduct an annual customer survey and some suggested questions to ask, check out our latest blog post here or below.

Along with written surveys, there are other ways to get customer feedback and measure satisfaction, such as:

  • Live chat on your website
  • Interviews with customers or customer councils
  • Social media: direct comments or mentions on social networks
  • Product reviews and Google reviews 

There is some risk with asking for public reviews, as these could turn out to be negative. However, one thing you can do before you solicit a public review is get feedback through the Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is a customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement that typically is one question, using a 0-10 scale: How likely is it that you would recommend [company] to a friend or colleague? Scores are calculated based on what number is selected and customers become promoters, neutral or detractors. When you ask this first, you can follow up with a review request to only people who are promoters. 

Once you get all that customer feedback, it has to be brought to the correct stakeholders who can influence a change. For example, feedback about your e-commerce website needs to go to marketing or your web development team so they can assess any changes that may be needed. 

 Sometimes using a third party to solicit honest feedback from customers can be the easiest way, and ensures your customers feel free to speak their opinions openly. We are happy to work with clients on a customer feedback program, which can include interviews and specifically timed surveys (for instance 3 days after purchase), or simply create the best questions for you to get helpful answers for an annual survey. Ask us about the different options for your business to get customer feedback.   

New Website for OmniLyte and Omnisan Anolyte

Our client OmniLyte provides turn-key water treatment systems and offers non-toxic solutions for disinfection, sanitation and water treatment to agricultural, commercial, and industrial markets. We recently developed and launched a new website for OmniLyte's latest product - Omnisan Anolyte, an all-natural and eco-friendly disinfectant. This product can be used for cleaning air and surfaces in many settings such as medical offices, schools, airplanes and general businesses.

This new website is an excellent example of why a multi-page website isn't always necessary, especially when first launching. Instead, the long-form scrolling function allows for displaying different content areas and is typically faster to develop. See for yourself at http://omnisan.ca

Why You Should Conduct A Customer Survey

Every year, businesses lose money from not collecting customer feedback. Only 1 of every 26 customers is likely to bring up a complaint about a company, meaning the other 25 customers just take their business elsewhere. This means it is crucial to ask your customers for feedback. One of the best ways to gather customer feedback is through a customer survey. This allows you to see if your customers are going to buy from you again, get ideas for new products or services, correct any issues with your website or customer service and much more. Learn about the benefits from survey data in our blog post.

Should You Create A Customer Council For Your Business?

The customer experience should be something every company strives to perfect and a customer council is a great way to get valuable insight into what is and isn’t working for your clients. Customer feedback can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

A traditional customer council is usually composed of the top customers of an organization to advise the companies' management on industry insights and to help set priorities and strategic initiatives for the organization. 

Our blog post explains exactly what a council is and why it would be really beneficial to your organization to create one.

Welcome to our newest team member: Tanvir Farabi

Tanvir is our new digital marketing expert with 6+ years of experience and 10+ leading certifications. He focuses on delivering a 360-degree marketing strategy to ensure our clients get the best return from their ad spend. Tanvir’s expertise in search engine marketing, social media marketing, email marketing and other inbound marketing channels gives us the edge to provide our clients with top-notch service.

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