Are you a Manitoba business looking to invest in digital channels to enhance and modernize your business? Would you like to do it at little or no cost to you? Then look no further - the Manitoba government is now offering funding for local businesses to update their digital systems and assets to ensure they have the tools to take advantage of the modern economy. The Digital Manitoba Initiative will invest $15 million in provincial businesses and the application process is open now.
We live in a digital-first world and business will need to adapt and modernize their processes to continue to service customers. E-commerce sales in Canada will soon grow to over 20% of retail sales, yet over a third of small businesses don’t even have a website – so the time is now to make that digital investment.
This funding is open to all registered businesses in Manitoba, offering two funding programs designed to reimburse business owners for their modernization efforts.
How does it work?
TechUP – up to $5,000
TechUP provides funding of up to $5,000, especially designed for small and medium sized businesses to upgrade digital assets and technological tools. If you made expenses or investments of up $5,000 that were put towards the digital adaptation of your business since April 1, 2021, this stream is for you. As well, this is the program for you if you’re planning to bring new digital assets valued at $5,000 or less to your business in the next 30 days.
This incentive is most suitable for businesses that need to upgrade or optimize essential digital assets with a one-time investment and that which can be achieved within 30 days. For example (but not limited to):
• Developing an e-commerce website
• Investing in advanced software
• Purchasing professional equipment for content creation and product promotion
• Investing in courses on digital marketing, branding, and social advertising
• Touchless payment systems
PowerUP – up to $25,000
PowerUp is for businesses seeking to invest in strategic projects requiring 90 days or less and for a maximum of $25,000. If you’ve already made substantial digital investments since April 1, 2021, you may submit dated receipts and your rationale for the purchase to be eligible for reimbursement. Successful applicants will need to provide a Business Case Brief detailing how the funds will help them better meet the needs of their customers or modernize their business, including an official estimate, quote, Statement of Work, or invoice for each stage of the proposed project. Some examples could be:
• Organizational training on elements such as cloud-based systems or cyber security
• Technological upgrades and support services
• Upgrades to network-based systems
• Procurement of technical and/or customer support services
How to Apply
Visit to find out more information about the program, determine what grant level you should apply for and to start your application. You will need to create an account with all your business and banking info. For the larger PowerUP grants, you will need to create a Business Case Brief detailing:
• Description of the technology challenge you wish to address
• Proposed project duration
• Proposed objectives
• Scope of proposed work
• Budget
• Expected impact of investment in the project
We would be happy to assist you in your application, or provide recommendations for digital projects or systems that would benefit your business and qualify for funding. Set up a call today to find out how you can take advantage of this exciting program.
Let's Talk!