June 30, 2021 |

June 2021 Round-Up: Go-to-Market Strategies That Work!

Level up your marketing strategy with insights into successful go-to-market strategies and a step-by-step guide for Instagram Analytics.

Hi there,

Well, maybe your first question is, what is a go-to-market strategy?

A go-to-market strategy is an action plan that specifies the requirements needed for how a company will reach target customers, achieve competitive advantage and the actions required to achieve desired outcomes (execution). 

A go-to-market strategy is often employed for a new product launch, a new brand, rebrand, or even the launch of a new way to reach the market (such as moving towards e-commerce). The elements required in each go-to-market strategy depend on the organization goals; however, there are some standard elements:

  • Identifying buyer personas.
  • Defining the marketing strategy.
  • Understanding the buyer's journey.
  • Creating a sales strategy.
  • Syncing support requirements for executing (inbound marketing, CRM, sales enablement).
  • Defining the success metrics.
  • Determining ongoing budget and resource needs.

 This months email will be giving you the inside track on:  

  • Client Features: Antara Ag and Roket Gear go-to-market case studies 
  • Marketing Tips: Instagram Insights  
  • Q&A: Nick Verwymeren, Senior Lead Developer at Roadmap

As always, if you are looking for any additional information on any of the topics we've covered below, do not hesitate to reach out!

Contact us

Antara Agronomy  

Antara Agronomy is a team that truly knows what it takes to grow profitable and sustainable crops in the Red River Valley. Through their business they pass on their agronomic expertise to progressive farmers, backed by extensive field research and benchmarking programs.  

The Problem  
Antara Agronomy's old website was a blog/news page for their industry-leading content. However, the team has many unique capabilities that weren't being showcased and may have even stifled their business growth.   Added to this a lead generation and sales enablement support were required for after the website launch.

The Need  
To create a go-to-market strategy, including a new website that housed their blog content, provided a newsletter sign-up functionality and shared additional information. The website would require an accompanying ongoing marketing plan and sales enablement support to continuing demonstrating their industry leadership in agronomy and to attract and capture leads.

The Solution  
Our team helped create a new online presence for Antara Agronomy, complete with case studies to provide real-life examples of how they could support their clients. Our team is continuing to work closely with Antara Agronomy, to drive new leads to their website and help them manage and grow their sales. A part of this solution was ongoing social media support and digital marketing to help grow and maintain their online community plus the implementation of a CRM with sales enablement coaching.

The Full Website  

Roket Gear  

Roket Gear offers the world’s first and most innovative weighted training product. With Roket Gear Hockey, players can train in 3S Mode to increase their performance by building strength and speed while practicing their skills.

Growing up, founders, Eddie & Niz, lived, breathed and dreamt hockey. As time went on, their passion for hockey became a passion for helping people improve their health and performance, leading to the spark that ignited Roket Gear.   

The Problem  
Roket Gear was launching a new and revolutionary product to the existing hockey marketplace and needed to get the word out.  They needed a go-to-market strategy.  

The Need   
To create a complete go-to-market strategy, including an online storefront for interested parties to view and purchase their products, a social media strategy to establish their online community and a series of paid ads to drive traffic to their new website. Finally, a CRM and sales plan with channel sales funnels and lead routing to capture and work the leads generated from the promotion efforts. 

The Solution  
We helped Roket Gear launch their website on June 1 using a Shopify Integration to support online sales. Their new website showcases all the research, hard work and testing that went into this product and highlights many of the partnership opportunities with their team. In conjunction with this release, a series of Social Ads and Google Display Ads have continued to drive new traffic to the website, resulting in Roket Gear's first sales and leads for future retailers and hockey training school partnerships. 

The Full Website  

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